Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The one that got away

Hehe...Corey has fallen in love with these new little yogurt puffs that Gerber makes. They are just little strawberry yogurt puffs that melt in your mouth. Everytime I pull out the bag, he gets this big smile on his face and starts acting all giddy like he's looking at a big cheeseburger! I break them in pieces, being the overprotective mother that I am, and scatter them out on his highchair tray. He pretty much gobbles them up just as soon as I can put them down. I almost feel sorry for those little yogurt puffs knowing that Corey is just sitting there waiting to gobble them up. But this time, he let one get away. Can you find it??


Ashley said...

LOL...he looks drunk on yogurt puffs. I LOVE those things too Corey, don't feel bad.

Petethewoman said...

Yogurt puffs are for sissys!!! Give that boy some Cheerios! By the way...are those sunburned cheeks I am seeing? Love ya Corey

courtney zenner said...

i want to kiss this face!!!!!

jennlovescorey said...

not sunburned, just morning red