Sunday, August 10, 2008

nobody cares about blogs

"nobody cares about blogs" is what Nik told me when I said Court had told me to start this blog. I said, "But Court says all the cool Moms do it!" You can imagine what Nik said next, but I'll spare you his sarcasim. Ok, well I'm gonna try this blogging thing out. I hope my family at least reads it and keeps up with the happenings of my life way up here in Wisconsin; ya hay der.


courtney zenner said...

OMG...I AM SOOOO EXCITED. Nik is misinformed. I am sooo excited to see the fam everyday now!!! Tell him to look on the bright side of's a perfect way for us to see him and his family without him actually having to come see and put up with all of us. How cool are blogs now???

Petethewoman said...

Jenn...I am so glad you are doing this. It will be great to be able to see what is going on. No comment on Nik's thoughts. I am really happy and will check it frequently. Love ya girl!

Ashley said...

Tell Nik him and Derek can make their own blog and it can be about how ridiculous and pathetic blogs are.

tater said...

I am so glad you did this blog it is so cool to see Corey's picture every day!! Can't wait to see you on Corn Day!! Love you guys!!!