Sunday, August 24, 2008

Corey's new Best Friend

Since Thursday, we have been pet sitting for Gail Dean, Gail Dean. (you have to know the story) They are both named Gail Dean (no crap!) AND have the same birthdays! Anywho, they are our neighbors. Dean(the husband) found out he had an abdominal aneurism and had to have surgrey. They ended up doing a triple bypass instead. Long story short, we have been feeding and letting their dog, Boo Boo, out. Corey loves Boo Boo. The three words Corey knows are Dada, Mama, and Boo Boo! We took this pic yesterday when we were outside playing. We are going to have it framed for Gail Dean, Gail Dean. ps... Dean is doing great and will be home later this week.


Petethewoman said...

Ah oh...I smell a puppy for Christmas! You could name it Gail Dean.

Ashley said...

Awww...BooBoo. I am going to teach him to say Sashey at Corn Day.