Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cubs Win!

So, last night on our "date night" Nik and I talked about Corey's future interest in sports. Being that we both have backgrounds in various sports, we debated on which one would be best for Corey and how we would know if we should focus on one particular sport or let him dabble in different ones. Of course we came to the obvious conclusion to let him decide and not to push anything he doesn't want to do on him, but we both came to an overwhelming realization. What Corey becomes is ultimately based on Nik and me. We are responsible for how he turns out and the paths he takes in his life. I know, I know...should be obvious common sense right? I think we both know/knew in the back of our minds, but to actually talk about it really makes the fact very real. It was definitely an eye opening conversation to have on a night when it was supposed to be all about us. Just goes to show you right there that it will never be just "all about us" anymore. Funny how you realize things sometimes... Oh by the way, CUBBIES WON!!!!!


Beth said...

At least you guys are realizing it when he is only 10 months old! Let's see Brian is 3 and Colin is 13 months and it is all of a sudden hitting me that I'm the mom. Sounds stupid, right? I've felt like the babysitter for so long (responsible for feeding, diapering, playing, etc...) that now with potty training and some of Brian's spoiled brat tendencies, I'm realizing I am the mom and I need to make some hard decisions and be the bad guy. So, you're doing really well since he is just 10 months : ) Seriously, take it one day at a time....if you think about the big picture too much, it becomes so huge and awesome, it can be overwhelming.....aren't you glad I'm finally pulling my head out of the weird funk I was in?!?! What can I say, it was a rough year that I wouldn't have gotten through without you....LOVE YOU!

Petethewoman said...

Don't even try to figure this out, cause just when you think you have it...ALL THE RULES CHANGE. Go with the flow and use your heart and mother's instinct. They hardly ever steer you wrong!

jennlovescorey said...

Thanks for your advice girls. And Beth, I am so glad to see your out of the funk! I love ya girl!!!!