Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cubbies are in the Playoffs!

sorry I haven't been on in a week. It seems to get harder and harder to keep up with this thing. We have all been sick this week. Nik and I have sore throats and colds and Corey has "The Croup"! ehhh... Poor little guy. But I have to say, for being sick, he's sure dealing with it well! The first couple nights he was fighting a fever so we didn't sleep, but once that broke it's been much better. We are just having to deal with "the dreaded nose plunger". Man he hates that thing, but I guess I would too. So, hopefully he'll kick that dang cough and we'll be ready for Corn Day! And yes Court, he is ready! He is doing so many new things now that I can't hardly wait for you all to see him! I've even taught him to do the "hay ha and away we go" knee pat! hehe...Love you guys! Go Cubbies!


courtney zenner said...

teach him how to say "Gert". :)
About the nose plunger. It is horrible. I tried it out once...OMG it is the weirdest feeling on the world. It feels like your brains are about to come out. Sure gets the job done though!

jennlovescorey said...

We'll try!! Love you!