This is Corey giving/receiving kisses from Grandpa Taylor's dog, Annie B. He is so into puppies right now it's ridiculous. He loves the neighbor's dog, Boo Boo, as the few blogs before shows. He even sits and watches The Great American Dog, or whatever the name of that reality show is. My kid does not sit and do anything! So as most of you know, Nik and I are not animal people. We decided before Corey was even born that one of us would "be allergic" to animals so we would have an easy excuse/reason not to get any animals for our kids. It's just so cute to see him with these dogs now. Nik said the other day, "You know as soon as he can talk, he's going to ask for a puppy and we will have to break his little heart and tell him no." I'm still holding my ground though... Allergies it is!
I VOTE mean parents!!
Bring him to Carmi and he can have whatever he wants!!
Yeah except now when he learns to r-e-a-d he will find out your evil plan!
this story reminds me of how mom "didn't know she was pregnant with me"...but had the best new years ever! When children grow up...they learn that parents do evil evil things!!! :) j/k.
I vote for allergies ALL THE WAY! He will forgive you one day....right Court?
Allergies! I had to Allyson I am allergic to Bunnies and Gerbils. She can have them when she's on her own :-)
How about stuffed doggies???
yea!!! Ne's online!!!
I say mean parents...come on, you don't want two big labs like I have? Anytime you want to drop him off to play with the dogs...and Colin too, we're waiting : ) There are plenty of little dogs that don't shed and are "hypoallergenic"....hmmm, Corey and I will have to talk in a few years : )
Beth, you watch your mouth!! hehe...
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