This is our first "Fort". Corey loved crawling in and then knocking it all down. He probably learned that from his Daddy because I will build a pyramid with his blocks and then Nik, being the kid he is, has to thrown something at them or "accidentally" swipe by them and knock them down. He's just like a kid! hehe...
Unfortunately, the fort didn't last long because with all the cushions off the couch, he was able to climb right up on the couch....and fall off. So, we'll have to find other things to make a new fort...stay tuned.
So, even though my little man has croup and has a front tooth popping through (yea finally!), he still finds the energy to help me clean. He loves the feather duster and the vacuum for some reason. Although I think he has become a little scared of the vacuum. He runs away now when I have it running, but he'll go and check it all out when it's just sitting there. strange... We are all trying to get well so on that note, I'm gonna take a nap.
sorry I haven't been on in a week. It seems to get harder and harder to keep up with this thing. We have all been sick this week. Nik and I have sore throats and colds and Corey has "The Croup"! ehhh... Poor little guy. But I have to say, for being sick, he's sure dealing with it well! The first couple nights he was fighting a fever so we didn't sleep, but once that broke it's been much better. We are just having to deal with "the dreaded nose plunger". Man he hates that thing, but I guess I would too. So, hopefully he'll kick that dang cough and we'll be ready for Corn Day! And yes Court, he is ready! He is doing so many new things now that I can't hardly wait for you all to see him! I've even taught him to do the "hay ha and away we go" knee pat! hehe...Love you guys! Go Cubbies!
So, I figured out how to solve the whole "pet" issue, for now at least. This is Corey's new puppy. His name is Biscuit. He barks, pants, growls, whines, sticks his tongue out, wiggles his ears and even wags his tail. He doesn't smell, poop or pee, or shed. hmmm, not a bad deal. And for now, Corey doesn't really know the difference. Now, lets see how long Biscuit lasts before the batteries die??
This is Corey giving/receiving kisses from Grandpa Taylor's dog, Annie B. He is so into puppies right now it's ridiculous. He loves the neighbor's dog, Boo Boo, as the few blogs before shows. He even sits and watches The Great American Dog, or whatever the name of that reality show is. My kid does not sit and do anything! So as most of you know, Nik and I are not animal people. We decided before Corey was even born that one of us would "be allergic" to animals so we would have an easy excuse/reason not to get any animals for our kids. It's just so cute to see him with these dogs now. Nik said the other day, "You know as soon as he can talk, he's going to ask for a puppy and we will have to break his little heart and tell him no." I'm still holding my ground though... Allergies it is!
So, guess what Corey's doing now?? The little turd is climbing on EVERYTHING! He does pull ups in the fridge, climbs onto the couch, and stands on top of his toys. The funny thing is, after he makes it up on whatever it is he's climbing on, he claps for himself. Silly little man...
Every time we make coffee, Nik puts a filter on Corey's head. It's the funniest thing because he will leave it on there until it falls off. He'll be running around playing with his toys with this coffee filter on his head like its just supposed to be there. The darnedest thing though...he hates to wear hats! He fights us to leave a hat on so we have to put the chin strap on to keep the hat on. Maybe I should invent a filter light hat for babies....hmmmmm??