Friday, August 29, 2008

Long Week, But Well Worth It

Sorry I haven't been on the blog all week, but it's been pretty crazy this week. Work is demanding this week because of Labor Day Weekend and we've just been dealing with some other issues that have just worn me out. But, I'm happy to say it's Friday and things are looking up! We have decided to keep Corey at home more often so that he and his Daddy can bond. We tried it this week and saw MAJOR improvements with Corey and that pretty much sealed the deal. He will be staying home with Daddy during the day as much as possible. He loves playing with Daddy, as the picture shows and they have bonded so much more just in these last four days. It makes me proud that my wonderful husband is also such an awesome, selfless father to our son. Just seeing them play together and interact with each other makes all the stress from this week just disappear knowing that we made the right decision to keep Corey home more. Boy, what a smile he THAT'S worth it!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Corey's new Best Friend

Since Thursday, we have been pet sitting for Gail Dean, Gail Dean. (you have to know the story) They are both named Gail Dean (no crap!) AND have the same birthdays! Anywho, they are our neighbors. Dean(the husband) found out he had an abdominal aneurism and had to have surgrey. They ended up doing a triple bypass instead. Long story short, we have been feeding and letting their dog, Boo Boo, out. Corey loves Boo Boo. The three words Corey knows are Dada, Mama, and Boo Boo! We took this pic yesterday when we were outside playing. We are going to have it framed for Gail Dean, Gail Dean. ps... Dean is doing great and will be home later this week.

Friday, August 22, 2008

First Corn Day Parade!

As I was scrolling through all of my pics to put on this blog, I have come across some pics that just make me smile. When I saw this one, I couldn't help but put it on my blog because it just makes me happy. I love seein' Ne with her beads and Corey all wrapped up and snuggly. He hardly even budged through that parade, even with all the sirens and the bands. Wish he'd sleep like that now, speak of the little devil...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I love my Daddy, when he has food!

It's so funny how kids think. Nik is the one at home with Corey all day, playing and running around with him, yet when I walk in the door, Daddy's no longer the man. This really bothers Nik because he feels like he makes such an effort to entertain Corey and be the kind of Dad that his wasn't. I just try to explain to him that it's just a "Mommy" thing and not to take it personally. Well, Nik has found a way to win Corey over when I'm home....he pulls out food. I tell you what. If that kid doesn't grow up to be an enormous man, I will be surprised!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cubs Win!

So, last night on our "date night" Nik and I talked about Corey's future interest in sports. Being that we both have backgrounds in various sports, we debated on which one would be best for Corey and how we would know if we should focus on one particular sport or let him dabble in different ones. Of course we came to the obvious conclusion to let him decide and not to push anything he doesn't want to do on him, but we both came to an overwhelming realization. What Corey becomes is ultimately based on Nik and me. We are responsible for how he turns out and the paths he takes in his life. I know, I know...should be obvious common sense right? I think we both know/knew in the back of our minds, but to actually talk about it really makes the fact very real. It was definitely an eye opening conversation to have on a night when it was supposed to be all about us. Just goes to show you right there that it will never be just "all about us" anymore. Funny how you realize things sometimes... Oh by the way, CUBBIES WON!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Merry Go Round and Round and Round...

Last night we went to the Kenosha County Fair with the Reichs, Jen and William. This wasn't our first Fair, we went to the Lake County Fair a couple of weeks ago, but I(well Nik did) remembered the camera this time. We ate corn dogs, potstickers, homemade donuts, chocolate shakes, and deep fried cheese. Hello thunder thighs!! It was fun though. Nik and Corey rode the Merry go Round, which was the only thing Corey was able to do. We didn't last long because Nik had to work this morning and + +l+-(that's from Corey) it was way past Corey's bedtime. Nik and I are actually leaving Corey with Grandma and Grandpa Taylor so that we can have some alone time and get a full night's sleep. It's so bittersweet because I'm looking forward to time with my husband, yet I'm already sad to leave my little butters.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I make man boobs look cool

Can I tell you how big of a flirt my son is? Nik and Corey met me for lunch today at Lonestar. I swear that he kept checking out one of the waitress' butts. Everytime she would walk by he would completely stop doing whatever it was he was doing, even eating, and stare at her butt! Funny kid! He was even flirting with the old ladies sitting next to us. My Corey, the ladies man.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Can't help but smile

Corey has been off schedule the last couple nights because of the trip to Indiana. This morning I was extremely tired and grumpy after being up half the night with Corey. Already late getting up, I was trying to get ready with a screaming baby clinging on to my calf. I was just about to have a "Ne moment"-I have had it!"-when I bent down to pick Corey up and he farted so loud it made him stop crying and start laughing. I looked at him and said, "what did you do?" He was just laughing and smiling and at that very moment, all my frustration went out the door. Just look at that face!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The one that got away

Hehe...Corey has fallen in love with these new little yogurt puffs that Gerber makes. They are just little strawberry yogurt puffs that melt in your mouth. Everytime I pull out the bag, he gets this big smile on his face and starts acting all giddy like he's looking at a big cheeseburger! I break them in pieces, being the overprotective mother that I am, and scatter them out on his highchair tray. He pretty much gobbles them up just as soon as I can put them down. I almost feel sorry for those little yogurt puffs knowing that Corey is just sitting there waiting to gobble them up. But this time, he let one get away. Can you find it??

Monday, August 11, 2008

Corey's Walking!

Corey has been starting to take steps here and there over the past month. Over the weekend however, he has actually started to walk! He is still pretty shakey but walking none the less. Here he is walking from his toys! I can't believe how fast he's growing!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

nobody cares about blogs

"nobody cares about blogs" is what Nik told me when I said Court had told me to start this blog. I said, "But Court says all the cool Moms do it!" You can imagine what Nik said next, but I'll spare you his sarcasim. Ok, well I'm gonna try this blogging thing out. I hope my family at least reads it and keeps up with the happenings of my life way up here in Wisconsin; ya hay der.