We made it! One crazy, fun filled year of Corey! I can't believe how fast it went by. A year ago I was lying in my bed wide awake at about 1am, waiting for Ne, Pa and Tam to get here because I was finally going to meet my little man the next morning. I was picturing what he would look like...if he would have red hair, which
Nik and I knew he was destined to have,... if he would be a big baby...if he would be perfect...what if he wasn't? What if he had big ears? What if he only had 9 toes? What if he was cross-eyed? Yes, I thought all of this and more. I was so wound up that I couldn't sleep. But, the next morning we got the call to come into the hospital and it all fell into place. I can still remember
Nik yelling, "he's got a mouth like a bass!" as the doctors pulled my new little man out of my tummy. I remember thinking, "oh my god! What's wrong with him?" Then I saw him...my beautiful little Corey, red hair, big mouth and all! He was everything I could have imagined. He was perfect and sill is!
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