Sunday, October 26, 2008

Courtney's Thought Provoker

I search: for corey's pacifiers
I regret: nothing...look where it lead me!
I love: my family
I care: too much
I always: cry
I worry: what the world will be like when Corey is 21.
I am not: social anymore
I remember: when I was
I believe: your body and mind turn into another person after you have had a child
I sing: 80's & 90's rap
I dance: when Corey dances.
I don't always: brush my teeth at night
I argue: about nothing sometimes.
I write: everything down because I'll forget
I win: only in my dreams.
I lose: my mind.
I wish: money was never an issue.
I listen: to my son it!
I don't understand: why people have to be mean.
I can usually be found: chasing Corey.
I am scared: of not being a good mother.
I need: reassurance constantly
I forget: that I'm actually a mother.
I am happy: when I am with my family!


When we went to Carmi for Corey's Bday, Corey and I stayed for the week. I wanted Corey to get a chance to reconnect with everyone. It kills me that they don't get to see him everyday. I do this blog so that they can see him, but the pictures just don't do it justice. He cracks me up all the time! These pictures are some our my favorite memories fro the week. I love the picture of us all by the corn car. I love going up to the parade with the family because, just like at church on sundays, the Towell bunch always made a showing. It just makes me feel good to be a part of our family!
Corey fell in love with Pa and his lawn mower. He had a blast that day riding around with Pa. It was so heart warming to see them together. And then Ne and Corey raked up the leaves together and played peek-a-boo around the big tree. This picture is just perfect! Corey had such a good time with Ne and Pa! I'm so glad we got to stay the week so they could bond.
Lastly, Aunt Tam had Corey suckin on the bottle, and not his baby bottle! hehe... It was so funny watching him try to drink out of the beer bottle. What can I say? He's my boy!


We went to Carmi the next weekend for Corn Day and to celebrate Corey's birthday with the southern family. Ne got him an ice cream cake, we won't mention the misspelled name, which he loves! He just dug right into that cake! He got so messy that we had to hose him down afterwards. hehe... That was funny to watch. It was great being able to celebrate with the "Towell" clan too. Love you guys!!!


We did Corey's First Bday Party at Grandpa and Grandma Taylor's so that we could accomidate everyone. Aunt Jen made his cake...awesome, huh?! It was Chicago Bears themed, thanks to Daddy. He had a great day playing with his cousin William, and his buddies Brian and Colin. He carefully picked at his football cake at first and then started pullin out chunks! hehe... My boy loves food, what can I say?! What a day to remember...


We made it! One crazy, fun filled year of Corey! I can't believe how fast it went by. A year ago I was lying in my bed wide awake at about 1am, waiting for Ne, Pa and Tam to get here because I was finally going to meet my little man the next morning. I was picturing what he would look like...if he would have red hair, which Nik and I knew he was destined to have,... if he would be a big baby...if he would be perfect...what if he wasn't? What if he had big ears? What if he only had 9 toes? What if he was cross-eyed? Yes, I thought all of this and more. I was so wound up that I couldn't sleep. But, the next morning we got the call to come into the hospital and it all fell into place. I can still remember Nik yelling, "he's got a mouth like a bass!" as the doctors pulled my new little man out of my tummy. I remember thinking, "oh my god! What's wrong with him?" Then I saw beautiful little Corey, red hair, big mouth and all! He was everything I could have imagined. He was perfect and sill is!