Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just Like Daddy

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I have been mainly just sending pics on the phone and have been admittedly lazy about my blog. I will say, however that my son is quickly following in his daddy's footsteps (notice the belt chain around his neck...).

I will try to get better about my blog.

Friday, January 16, 2009

This is why I hate our new camera...

I tried to take Corey's picture this morning 5 different times and these pics are what came of it. Ugh!!! I hate this camera! The only time it doesn't make him blink is when the flash is off, but then the picture quality sucks. I even push the button half way to get some of the flashed out of the way, but he still blinks. A few of these would have been great...if his eyes were open. Damn technology...


Do you see what's on the INSIDE of our door???!!! It's frost! Yea, frost! On the inside! That's how freakin' cold it is up here! At 8am this morning, it was -17 degrees. Ughhhh! I hate it up here...


I wish you could see the whole pic from top to bottom. On Saturday night, we were over at Mandy and Greg's for Jen's B-day supper. Jen just bought a new truck over the Holidays. For her b-day, Nik and I ended up getting her a tanoe(sp?) cover for the bed of her truck. It came in a long narrow box. After she opened all her gifts, she left the box laying on the floor b/c it was so big. Well guess who decided to try it out as a balance beam?? Yep, you guessed it. And my what a little gymnist he is! He would walk up and down and do little turns and throw his arms up and wait for us all to clap. He's such a little attention hog! hehe...


I thought these pics were so funny! Not that my kid is a bully, but you can tell he's not around other babies his age. I loved watching these two play together. It just made me realize that I need to get Corey around other kids his age more often. I do not want my kid running around saying "O'Doyle Rules!" on the playground.


Hehe...I love this picture! This is what my little monkey has been doing. He's climbing on everything! He just climbs up on the side table and sits there watching tv until someone finds him. What a turd!